Store Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Barbell Rebels sees data privacy as a fundamental component of its business.

Barbell Rebels processes and stores personal data within the European Union (EU) and will at all times demonstrate compliance with EU legislation as well as our principles explicit in this document.

This platform is guided by the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation, (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), which is a directly binding piece of legislation for natural and legal persons who, whether resident in the EU or not, process data of European Union citizens.

The privacy statement is the responsibility of Barbell Rebels. The Data Protection Officer (DPO) ensures compliance with the regulations and is involved in all matters relating to the protection of personal data. His identification and contact details are listed at the end of this document.

Barbell Rebels is considered the data controller for the purposes of the RGPD and will determine the purpose and means of processing personal data submitted and collected online.


Our data protection policy ensures that data is:

Lawful, fair and transparent processing in relation to the data subject (lawfulness, fairness and transparency);

Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a way incompatible with those purposes;

Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;

Accurate and up-to-date where necessary; every reasonable step will be taken to ensure that inaccurate data, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay;

Kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data are processed;

Processed in a manner that ensures their security, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, taking appropriate technical or organisational measures;

Collection of personal data

To improve your browsing experience and to be able to offer you the services you need at the time you need them we will need to collect some information. We want you to know how we treat the data you have entrusted to us.

With your permission, we will collect the following information: Name, Email and Telephone.

Our website uses cookies or similar technologies to ensure the best user experience and to analyse trends, track user movement within the website and gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. Our Cookies record information such as Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, the files accessed on our website (e.g. HTML pages), operating systems, date and time, to analyse trends on the website.

Shelf life:

Barbell Rebels commits itself to eliminate them within a maximum period of 24 months.


By accepting the present privacy policy you warrant that you are aged 16 years or over.

Use of personal data

Barbell Rebelswill contact you in order to present you with the goods and/or services which it commercialises. The processing of such data is based on the consent given by the data subject. Access to personal data is strictly limited to the personnel of the personal data controllers and subcontractors.

Sharing of personal data

Barbell Rebels guarantees that it does not intend to transfer data to countries outside of the General Data Protection Regulation and if it does so, it will ask for your consent.

In certain situations, Barbell Rebels may be notified to disclose personal information in response to requests by supervisory authorities to fulfill the requirements of the RGPD.

Processing security

We will process personal data securely by applying and maintaining technical and organisational measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, unauthorised sharing or access, where the processing involves the transmission of data over a network, and against all other unlawful forms of processing.

Access and rectification or erasure of personal data

As a data subject, users have the right to request access to and rectification and deletion of data concerning them. You may also limit or oppose the processing of your data and request data portability. You may also request clarification from the Data Protection Officer or lodge a complaint with the CNPD whenever you feel your rights are being violated.

Marketing emails

The data controllers have the permission, after explicit consent, to send marketing emails to users of the website. At any time the user may cancel the consent through the link, existing for this purpose, in each email sent.


Barbell Rebels is responsible for, and will be able to demonstrate at any time, compliance with RGPD.

Changes to this policy

This policy may be updated from time to time, for example due to changes to relevant legislation. If any material changes are made, customers will be notified by email or by notification on the website.



Barbell Rebels

Address: Karvelsedijk 35, 3194NB, Hoogvliet, Netherlands
